Tim Cook responds to United states presidential vote

Tim Cook asks for unity

Nosotros live in interesting times. The 2016 Usa Presidential ballot has cast ripples across the planet.

Tim Cook speaks

Apple has been in Trump's firing line a couple of times. The president-elect currently rejects Apple'due south balanced view on encryption, despite the risks; he also wants Apple tree to manufacture more of its products in the United states.

In a memo obtained by BuzzFeed News, Apple CEO, Tim Cook notes the divisive nature of the campaign; urges Apple employees to stick together; and stresses Apple tree's continued commitment to social progress and diversity.

"While there is discussion today nigh uncertainties ahead, you can be confident that Apple's North Star hasn't changed," he wrote.

"Our products connect people everywhere, and they provide the tools for our customers to do great things to improve their lives and the globe at large. Our visitor is open to all, and we gloat the diversity of our team here in the The states and around the globe — regardless of what they expect like, where they come from, how they worship, or who they love."

Read the residue of his statement hither.

A little background

Full contributions to the Clinton campaign from the Net industry came in at 114 times those for Trump, co-ordinate to the Center for Responsive Politics. Tech workers gave 60 times more than cash to Clinton'due south campaign in comparing to the Republican candidate.

The tech industry concerns at the engagement reflect reservations about presidential policy concerning digital rights, his desire to take manufacturing back from China, and the demand to recruit highly skilled staff on an international basis, across barriers of nation, race, color and creed.

Trump's promise to allow corporations to bring their strange-held stockpiles of cash to the USA for a discounted 10 percent tax rate may prove more than popular than some of the concerns his comments accept raised virtually future policy on HB-1 visas.

Stay together

Melt's plea that Apple should piece of work together is a microcosmic reflection of what most across the industry seem to recall.

Brad Smith, president and chief legal officeholder said: "Similar and then many Americans, regardless of who nosotros supported through our vote, nosotros strongly share the view that this is a time for the nation to come together."

"If yous still dear the United states, get up tomorrow and continue fighting for truth, the Constitution, tolerance, basic decency and wisdom," said TechMeme's Gabe Rivera.

The EFF, "remains steadfast in its mission and method: to use constabulary and technology to champion civil liberties and provide a stiff bank check against overreach," the EFF said in a blog mail service.

Technology investor and Trump supporter, Peter Thiel was pleased with the result. He said the new president faced a hard task and would demand "all hands on deck".

Some other tech investor was less sanguine: "This feels like the worst thing to happen in my life. I assume nosotros'll get through it, but it sure doesn't feel that way right now," said Sam Altman, president of Y Combinator.

Meanwhile, almost in the industry are waiting to identify what the new presidential policy will plow out to exist, at present that the campaign rhetoric has achieved its result.

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