
How To Pass The Bcba Exam The First Time

Hopebridge's Newly Certified Behavior Analysts Share Tips on How to Pass the BCBA Exam

You've been studying and gathering hands-on knowledge in your graduate plan, but working toward your master'due south degree in behavior analysis is not when the try ends, especially as you prepare for the BCBA® Exam to receive your certification.

There are hundreds of BCBA® Examination resources out there, so where should yous start? It can be tough to know which study materials to review and the added price tin make the decisions all the more challenging.

At Hopebridge, one thing is for sure: you don't have to go at information technology alone. With hundreds of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) on staff and dozens more in your shoes working toward their BACB certification, our squad members have each other's backs…and now they have yours too! We consulted with a few of our newly certified BCBAs for their guidance on how to pass the BCBA® Examination on the first shot.

BCBA Examination Report Tips from Hopebridge:

We oft hear, "is the BCBA® Examination difficult?" The short answer is that you will need study tools because yes, the exam can be tough. That being said, with the proper resources … you got this!

According to our Hopebridge heroes, there are a few things to keep in mind when studying up on ABA therapy for the BCBA® Test.

Most importantly, you do not need to reference every textile suggested to you. Which materials and how many of them to review, as well as how long to study is entirely dependent on your needs. Some people believe i route is enough for them, whereas others take a expert feel combining a few materials in gild to come up at it from unlike directions.

There are hundreds of BCBA® Exam resource out there, and so where should y'all commencement?

Consider which study methods have worked for you in the past and commencement there. Are you a visual learner? Practise you lot learn meliorate past writing notes or actively responding to questions? Practice you prefer to study alone or via group word? Whether you lot brainstorm ane year in advance or cull to "cram" information technology all inside ii months, review for iv hours at a time or in pieces while you're on the get, you take to decide which strategies work for you.

In addition to listing out some of their favorite testing materials, it seems like in-person or virtual written report groups and "report buddies" are a win beyond the lath. It ofttimes helps applicants to talk over why they chose sure answers on mock exams or talk about concepts they may non entirely empathise. Other BCBAs suggest supplementing your chosen study road with YouTube videos if you practise not have a study teammate to consult.

Elevation 9 Written report Resource for the BCBA Exam, equally shared by Hopebridge BCBAs:

    1. BDS Modules
      Behavior Development Solutions' (BDS) "CBA Learning Module Series" is considered a premier exam prep tool to supplement the curriculum. Some BCBAs believe information technology was beneficial to use it to focus on a general pedagogy of the concepts, whereas others hammered it home with the modules. "I personally found these modules incredibly helpful and completed them to 100 percentage criterion," Hopebridge BCBA Taylor Kelley told united states.
    2. BOOST 5th Edition BETA Mock Exam
      The ABA Tech mock exams should exist a become-to on every aspiring BCBA'south listing. While it is beneficial to read a book or study an online module that covers ABA content, it is a whole other ballgame to review the examination format and types of questions that will be asked. This resources provides feedback on the areas in which students perform well and guides their studying to the areas in which they may require more than practice. "This mock exam shows students what they can look the exam to await similar. The textbook and the Lath's task list are astonishing, but can be overwhelming. This BACB mock exam helps students focus on the areas in which they may need more written report prep," said Hopebridge Director of ABA Clinical Quality Assurance Melissa Chevalier.
    3. Practical Behavior Assay textbook, A.G.A., "the Cooper Book"
      Known by many every bit only, "the Cooper volume," the Practical Beliefs Analysis, by John O. Cooper, Timothy Eastward. Heron and William L. Heward is an obvious – simply withal beneficial – place to start. There are several editions, then depending on whether you lot are buying new or borrowing from another BCBA, the 2d or tertiary edition should be on your list. In addition to the textbook itself, there are supplemental complementary materials that are worth reviewing. "I used the textbook to make flashcards, but I also used the online chapter quizzes associated with it. I call back it helps to first use these as a baseline to determine what you lot need to focus on while studying," said Hopebridge BCBA Rachel McCabe. Rachel suggests using this companion site to review the various capacity and quizzes.
      "Pass the Large ABA Exam" is on nearly every newly certified BCBA'south list in some form or another. From mock exams to workshops, PTBABA there seems to exist something for everyone, but if y'all have to choose just one piece, the PTBABA Study Transmission may be the fashion to go. Information technology outlines the Cooper volume, which some BCBAs say saves time. Information technology also breaks down the BCBA task listing while providing slap-up explanations and examples.
    5. StudyNotesABA
      Another big hit with BCBAs, "Report Notes ABA" puts a fun and funny (and sometimes mayhap a chip "off-color") twist on learning. With everything from a report collective and mini mocks to a podcast and social media tips – plus the best-looking notes you've ever seen – this examination prep service has information technology all. "This series of video lectures and live virtual classes break down the foundational cognition that I found essential to passing the exam," said Hopebridge BCBA Sean Crye.
    6. "ABA Report Group" on Facebook
      This private report grouping seems to have it all. There are experienced BCBAs to converse with now and as you continue your journey working in ABA therapy, plus some of the near talked-about mock exams bachelor. "I used some of the trivia questions and mock exams during my studying to determine where I was struggling and what cloth I needed to focus on virtually. I was also able to find a document that outlined which Cooper capacity all-time correlated with specific task list sections," said Taylor. And the best part about this Facebook group? It's a great stop for free BCBA Test report materials.
    7. BAS task list report guide
      The Beliefs Analysis Supervisor (BAS) task list is at the peak of some of our BCBAs' lists (but at the bottom of the folio we linked!). The comprehensive study guide covers primal concepts, examples and takeaways to help you prefer for the "real examination." Rachel tells us, "This was my primary study fabric and I truly believe this is what helped me pass the exam. It breaks downwards the BCBA task list into every single section and provides examples. Information technology was a life-saver for me.
    8. ABA Magician app
      We're in the 2020s now, so of form we accept a mobile app on the list! The ABA Sorcerer app is neat for on-the-go studying when you may non accept the time or means to practise a full-fledged cram session. At that place are brusk quizzes that cover more than than one,400 practice BCBA exam questions and provide immediate feedback. The app is intended to go on your heed moving and master the content on the BCBA exam.
    9. Hopebridge Fellowship Plan
      Many BCBAs tell united states of america that zero beats applying knowledge in a clinical setting. Hopebridge can aid yous with this. We offer a Fellowship Program for behavior analysis, which helps students with applied application, rather than solely focusing on academics. Plus, Hopebridge'south programs also include some of the other study materials on this listing, similar the BDS Modules … free of cost to our fellows! "The time I spent equally a beau gave me the experience to experience much more confident walking into this new role as a BCBA. I had the opportunity to learn then much in a fairly short amount of time," said Sean, who was function of our program before joining us as a BCBA.

    Are yous an RBT currently working toward your BCBA? We have programs to support you lot through the process and see y'all succeed. If Hopebridge's Fellowship Program sounds similar a fit for yous, contact the states to apply for a role in ane of our centers.

    Future BCBAs are supported with preparation and instruction while preparing to sit for the certification.

    As you prepare to pass the BCBA exam, you lot may also desire to have a interruption to plan your post-test career. We are looking for more than superheroes to add to our squad, so if working with kids in a centre-based ABA therapy environment, collaborating with other BCBAs and professionals across multiple disciplines sounds interesting to you lot, visit our Hopebridge job board to review open up positions in your area.

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